Produce your own energy in self-generation systems – the most important facts at a glance

When a company generates its own energy, it usually generates the required energy itself on site. Electricity, gas and also heat are made available via combined heat and power plants (CHPs) and other energy generation plants, often using only short transport routes. An interesting option for companies is to utilise the staggering of plants by operating several plants in parallel, some of which generate energy for local use while others feed energy into the grid. This strategic staggering allows you to optimally harmonise your energy production and consumption. Manually, however, this can be an enormous challenge – our solution supports and relieves you at this point.

Why do my self-generation systems need smart management?

With active local energy management, a high self-consumption rate is often of great importance, as electricity purchased from external sources is often very expensive. Companies therefore endeavour to consume as much of the self-generated energy as possible directly. However, this requires skilful planning and management of all the assets and processes involved, as there are many legal peculiarities associated with self-generation. Clever structuring and effective management of the energy system are therefore essential.

By optimising the use of self-generated energy, companies can reduce their dependency on expensive grid electricity and significantly lower their energy costs. With a customised storage management approach, such as the hardware and software products offered by ifesca, companies can overcome the complex challenges of self-generation and maximise their self-consumption rate.

How can hardware support my self-generation systems?

Our tools provide companies with significant support in managing their own generation systems. With the help of our advanced AI, you can easily optimise the planning of the energy flow. The AI analyses various factors such as current electricity demand, weather forecasts and the availability of your own generation plants. On this basis, it can make precise predictions and determine the best time for energy generation and utilisation – including the planning of system staggering.

Data-supported energy management of self-generation systems offers these advantages

The intelligent prediction of prosumer and residual loads as well as the utilisation planning of the entire energy system offers your company a variety of advantages:

  • Maximising the self-consumption rate
  • Reducing dependence on expensive grid electricity
  • Reduction in energy costs
  • Fulfilment of legal requirements for self-generation
  • Optimisation of energy generation and use
  • Increasing the security of supply

Our solutions can help you to realise all these benefits efficiently and without any effort on your part. Have we aroused your curiosity? Then get in contact with us!

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ifesca is your partner for sustainable energy management

At ifesca, we have made it our goal to provide both industrial customers and utilities with a convenient, efficient and user-friendly software and hardware solution for their energy management: Curtain up for our product ifesca.ENERGY®.

Intuitive to use and flexibly customisable to your specific requirements, they allow you to manage your own generation systems individually – and work more precisely than any other products on the market. We would be happy to advise you personally on how our products can make your own generation even more productive and sustainable – contact us now!

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