Redispatch refers to interventions in the generation output of conventional power plants to protect line sections or transformers from overload. If a bottleneck threatens at a certain point in the grid, power plants are instructed to reduce or increase their feed-in. This generates a load flow that counteracts the bottleneck.

Redispatch 2.0 stands for the new regulations for dealing with bottlenecks in the power grid. The German Grid Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG 2.0) merges the previous redispatch and feed-in management to form Redispatch 2.0. Since 1 October 2021, all conventional plants and renewable energy plants with an installed capacity of 100 kW or more, as well as all distribution system operators (DSOs), are obligated to participate in redispatch.

ifesca.ENERGY® offers the possibility of modelling redispatch models. All redispatch-relevant plants can be flexibly mapped in different hierarchies (e.g. by plant size) and the necessary quantities can be aggregated. Feeders and offtakers of various plant sizes as well as upstream and downstream grids can be considered. The calculation of redispatch-relevant quantities and sub-quantities is transparent and fully automated. All quantities and sub-quantities can be exported as a CSV file.

Grid operators and feed-in forecasts